WHITE SILICA GEL includes macro-pored silica gel, B type silica gel and fine-pored silica gel according to the different pore diameters. Owing to their different pore structures, their absorptive performances are variable. Mcro-pored silica gel has a relatively higher adsorption capacity than fine-pored silica gel in high relative humidity, while has a lower adsorption capacity in low relative humidity. The pore structure of silica gel Type B lies between macro-pored and fine-pored silica gel, so its adsorption amount is also between those of macro-pored and fine-pored silica gel.
- Macro-pored silica gel: moisture proof packing, dehydration and purification of industrial gases, removing organic acids and high polymers in the insulation oils, adsorbing the high molecular proteins and used as catalysts carrier;
- Fine-pored silica gel: used for drying and moisture proof, may also be used as catalyst carrier, adsorbents, separators and variable-pressure adsorbents, etc;
- B type silica gel: used as air humidity regulator, catalyst and carrier, pet litter, and as a raw material for fine chemical products such as chromatography silica gel.
STORAGE: It is better to be stored at room temperature. Do not expose to the air directly and avoid water.
PACKAGE: 25 kg per bag or 500 kg per bag.