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Advantages of Ultrasonic sensor and Disadvantages of Ultrasonic sensor

An ultrasonic sensor is a sensor which measures the distance of the respective object by sending the sound wave of a specific frequency. This sound wave is reflected after the collision with the respective object and this wave is received by the ultrasonic receiver. Distance is measured by calculating sending and receiving time of this sound wave. Here this post gives information about the pros and cons of ultrasonic to better understand this topic.

Advantages of Ultrasonic sensor:

  • This sensor could have easily sensed the nature, shape and orientation of that specific object which is within the area of these sensors so sensing capability to sense all the material types.

  • These sensors have greater accuracy than another method for measuring the thickness and depth of the parallel surface.

  • This sensor easily interfaces with a microcontroller or any type of controller.

  • This sensor has high frequency, high sensitivity and high penetrating power, therefore, it can easily detect the external or deep object.

  • It can work in any adverse conditions.

  • Their sensor is easy to use, not dangerous during operation for nearby object person, equipment or material.

  • This sensor is not affected due to atmospheric dust, rain, and snow.

  • It provides a good reading in sensing large-sized objects with hard surfaces.

  • It has a higher sensing distance compare to inductive or capacitive proximity sensor types.

Disadvantages of Ultrasonic sensor:

  • It is very sensitive to variation in the temperature.

  • It has more difficulties in reading reflections from soft, curved and thin as well as a small object.

  • These sensors have a base detecting distance.

  • It required careful attention for an experienced technician.

  • Change in nature for example temperature, airborne particles, weight, air turbulence, influence ultrasonic reaction.

  • In this sensor, the main focuses of low thickness similar to froth and fabric have a tendency to assimilate sound vitality these materials may be hard to sense at long range.

  • When these sensors are interfaced with a microcontroller or any controller then experienced person or programmer is required.

  • When these sensors are used for inspection purpose then these could be water-resistive otherwise they could be damaged.

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